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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

My name is Ninda Dwiyana and I will tell you about my study at State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang especially in Computer and Network Engineering when I was still at first semester.

At the first time, I was really confused how I communicate with other people in my class because my dialect was really different with them. So, I decided to didn’t speak with the other until I can adapt with their personality and the dialect though. Day by day was over and I can’t speak with the Makassar’s dialect. One of my junior highschool’s friend told me that it was not a problem because she felt it too and her friends just said that was funny but still not an embrassed thing, that was unique. Then my mind was changed by her. I didn’t care anymore about how the way I speak. Because of that, I got some friends. They always make some fun of my dialect but never mind, cause I know how funny it is. Besides of that, I got  some matter about my daily life. I always came late to the campus and feel sleepy when the lesson started. It was caused by my attitude who usually stay up all night for doing the tasks and then watching an anime. My duty as muslim that what we called “Shalat” always skipped by those things. I realized that was totally wrong. I tried to manage my time and it was successful. I went to the campus earlier than before.

While I did my life as a student of the Institute, I joined an external organization, “PMB ARUMPONE”. In this organization, all of the members were come from Bone Regency. I always attended the meeting and follow the event at the beginning. But it just happen for some weeks, because the meeting was taking so long time and usually ended at midnight. I told my parents about this and they asked me to stop. I knew the reason why, because that wasn’t good for girls to return home late. Moreover, I stayed in room and board with my cousin, that was mean I didn’t live with them. So, I did it. I never attended the meeting again. I just focused on my study.

There were so many subjects we had to learn from some lecturer. Two of the lecturer were not really good. Honestly, I didn’t get it when they started to teach. Like they just give us slides of presentation, after that they read all of its, and believed that was same as teach. It was a big mistake because all of us did the same thing and still didn’t understand what they actually taught. 

I did my final test nicely in some subjects but one of the subjects was really bad. All of my classmates did the test again because got a bad score before. Then, the result came out. My GPA was not bad. I really thankful to God about this and I wish I could the best in second semester.


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