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         The Coat of Arms of Indonesia is called Garuda Pancasila. The main part of the coat of arms is the golden mythical bird Garuda with a shield on its chest and a scroll gripped by its leg bears the national motto: "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", roughly means "Unity in Diversity". The shield's five emblems represent Pancasila, the five principles of Indonesia's national philosophy. The numbers of feathers was meant to symbolize the date of Indonesian Proclamation of Independence; 17 feathers on each wings, 8 tail feathers, 19 upper tail feathers (under the shield, above the tail), and 45 neck feathers; all symbolize 17-8-1945; 17th August 1945. Garuda Pancasila was designed by Sultan Hamid II of Pontianak, and was adopted as national coat of arms on February 11, 1950.
      Shield is a shield that has long been known in culture andcivilization of Indonesia as part of a weapon which symbolizesthe struggle, defense, and protection of themselves to achieve the goal. In the middle of the shield there is a thick black line depictingthe equator which describes the location of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, which is a tropical country that crossed the equator extends from east to west.  The basic color on the space shield is the Indonesian nationalflag colors "red and white". While in the middle of a black base color.
     Both claws gripping Garuda Pancasila clutching a piece of whitetape that read "Unity in Diversity" is black. Motto Unity in Diversity is an excerpt from the work of  Mpu Tantular Kakawin Sutasoma. The word "diversity" meansvariety or different, the word "single" means one, the word "ika" means that. Literally translated Unity in Diversity "Various One That", which means eventhough different but essentially remains is a unity, that among the party-colored nation of Indonesia is a unity. This motto is used to describe the unity and integrity of the Nation and the Republic of Indonesia, which consists of diverse cultural, language, race, ethnicity,religion and belief.


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