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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. My name is Ninda Dwiyana and I will tell you about my study at State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang especially in Computer and Network Engineering when I was still at first semester. At the first time, I was really confused how I communicate with other people in my class because my dialect was really different with them. So, I decided to didn’t speak with the other until I can adapt with their personality and the dialect though. Day by day was over and I can’t speak with the Makassar’s dialect. One of my junior highschool’s friend told me that it was not a problem because she felt it too and her friends just said that was funny but still not an embrassed thing, that was unique. Then my mind was changed by her. I didn’t care anymore about how the way I speak. Because of that, I got some friends. They always make some fun of my dialect but never mind, cause I know how funny it is. Besides of that, I got  some matter about my daily ...